細細讀英文歌詞~不僅可以使您的英文進步~更可以思考對母親的親情 by Theodore Morse & Howard Johnson M is for the million things she gave me, M 代表她給予了我無數的東西 O means only that she's growing old, O 意味著她正慢慢衰老 T is for the tears she shed to save me, T 是她為我留下的眼淚 H is for her heart of purest gold; H 指她那顆金子般的心 E is for her eyes, with love-light shining, E 是她充滿慈愛的雙眼 R means right, and right she'll always be. R 則意味著她決策始終都是對的 Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER," A word that means the world to me. 把這些字母合在一起就拼成了母親,我的世界 M is for the mercy she possesses, M 代表她擁有憐憫的心 O means that I owe her all I own, O 意味我感激母親讓我擁有一切 T is for her tender sweet caresses, T 是她體貼、柔的照顧 H is for her hands that made a home, H 是她那建立家庭那雙手 E means everything she's done to help me, E 是她盡一切力量幫助我 R means real and regular, you see. R 則意味這是真實的、頻繁的,而且可以看得母愛 Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER," A word that means the world to me. 把這些字母合在一起就拼成了母親,我的世界 -- Howard Johnson